Artist Statement:
by Linda Loebs
“I’m lucky, my husband likes to drive and I like to look. This fortunate circumstance allows me to photograph scenes that appeal to my artistic sense, if I capture it before it flies by my window. Over the past year I’ve collected a fair amount of images, mostly from the highways and byways of California that have inspired my newest paintings.
This last year I’ve worked with my photos to recreate, in the studio, paintings that capture the beauty of nature. Often the photos I work from are meant to refresh my memory as I’m not a slave to an image, but rather prefer to give my imagination free reign when I paint, sometimes, using my imagination alone to create paintings.
I can’t really say what exactly inspires me to paint a particular image. For sure something has intrigued or stirred my artistic senses. Sometimes it’s the way light hits the land or illuminates the air. At other times it might be the colors of the land, or how the road curves through it. Whatever it is that has inspired me to paint a subject, I always hope as an artist to capture it and share the feelings that are inspired in me with you.”